Community run,
for the community.
Woolgoolga and District Retirement Village Ltd is a not-for-profit, community owned organisation and is overseen by a Board of Directors consisting of members of the community. Members of the Board do not receive payment - it is a voluntary position. Members of the Board visit the village on a regular basis.
The Board employs a Chief Executive Officer who is responsible for the day to day running of Woolgoolga Aged Care Centre and Woolgoolga Retirement Village. The Chief Executive Officer is supported by a Senior Leadership team and an amazing group of committed staff who are available for a chat to ensure that your wellbeing is being promoted and maintained at all times.
The original buildings of Woolgoolga & District Retirement Village were constructed in 1991, with a number of additions and upgrades since. Woolgoolga & District Retirement Village Ltd is made up of 30 Independent Living Units in Woolgoolga Retirement Village, and a 66 bed Residential Aged Care Centre called Woolgoolga Aged Care Centre, providing both ageing in place and respite services.

Our Vision

The vision of Woolgoolga and District Retirement Village is:
“Living well in a place worth living”.
Our Mission

The mission of Woolgoolga and District Retirement Village is:
“To provide high quality, non-discriminatory, flexible, adaptive housing and aged care services”.

Our aim is to provide high quality, flexible, adaptive housing and aged care service to our clients. Our services are designed to promote our clients dignity, health, happiness and participation in the community.
Aged care homes must be accredited under the Accreditation Standards for Residential Aged Care in order to receive subsidies from the Australian Government. The standards cover such things as: consumer dignity and choice, ongoing assessment and planning with consumers, personal care and clinical care, services and supports for daily living, the organisation’s service environment, feedback and complaints, human resources, organisational governanace. There are 8 standards, with 72 outcomes under these standards which must be met.
Woolgoolga Retirement Village is currently accredited.